★We usethe Compound Topographic Index (CTI) to represent moisture content of the area.
★At this time the measured displacementshoweda sharp up slope movement followed by a steady but increasing down slope movement
★We also usethe p-values (defined as the probability of finding a test statistic value as great as the observed test statistic value, assuming that the null hypothesis is true) in order to assess the significance of each regression coefficient….We rejectthe null hypothesis if the p-value is less than the significance value (α)we choose; here,we useα=0.001, corresponding to a 99% confidence level. Therefore if p<α,we rejectthe null hypothesis, and therebyassumethat the regression coefficient is not equal to zero, and equals the computed value.
★In order to apply this approach to a global data set,we usemultiple landslide inventories to calibrate the model. Using the model formula previously determined (using the Wenchuan earthquake data),we usethe four datasets discussed in Section 1.3.1 in our global database to determine the coefficients for the global model.
★The resulting databaseis used tobuild a predicative model of the probability of landslide occurrence.
★Substantial efforthas been invested tounderstand where seismically induced landslides may occur in the future, as they are a costly and frequently fatal threat in mountainous regions。
★Performance of the regression modelis assessedusing statistical goodness-of-fit metrics and a qualitative review to determine which combination of the proxiesprovidesboth the optimum predication of landslide-affected areas andminimizesthe false alarms in non-landslide zones.
★This paperreviewsthese factors, covering the characteristics, types and magnitudes, environmental impacts, and remediation of mine tailings dam failures.
★This conceptual modelallowedthe deformation of elements within the slope to be kept to a minimum.
★Those numerical studies mentioned above successfullyvalidatedthe usage of supplemental means for the full scale tests and alsocontributed todevelop and optimize new type of rockfall barrier system effectively.
★ The slope, however,was observedto remain largely saturated for most of the year with a phreatic surface near or at the surface.
★We beginmodeling by assessing qualitative relationships within the data, moving forward by using logistic regression as a statistical method for establishing a functional form between the predictor variables and the outcomes (Figure 3).We iterateover combinations of predictor variables and outcomes within the model, focusing first on one training event (Wenchuan, China), with the ultimate goal of expanding the analysis to global landslide datasets.
★Median, minimum, and maximum slope values calculated from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) elevation data by Verdian et al. (2007)are usedin tests of the model.
★Ifwe define20% probability of a landslide to be the threshold, any probability equal to or greater than 20% will thenbe definedas a landslide prediction.
★The RS unit is suitable for testing both fully-softened shear strength and residual shear strength parametersthat canbe usedforslope stability assessments of various scenarios.
★Approximately 5% of all earthquake-related fatalitiesare causedby seismically induced landslides, in some cases causing a majority of non-shaking deaths.
★Unsaturated residual shear strength can alsobe usedas a macroscopic indicator of the nature of micro-structural changes experienced by the soils when subjected to drying.
★These datawereoriginallycalculatedfor the purpose of mechanical landslide modeling, andare used here asa statistical constraint on landslide susceptibility.