With是一个普通介词,但它的功能之强大有时超出了我们的“想象”。在图书馆学科服务工作中,笔者阅读了大量英文文献,特别是英美学者发表在世界顶级学术期刊上的论文,发现英美学者在撰写论文时,使用With的频次远远高于我们中国的学者。例如,英美学者会把我们中国学者的“Roadway instability has always been a major concern in deep underground coal mines where the surrounding rock strata and coal seams are weak and the in-situ stresses are high”换个方式表达成“ Roadway instability has always been a major concern in deep underground coal mineswiththe weak surrounding rock strata and coal seams and the high in-situ stresses”;又如,如果把“Indonesia is currently the largest exporter of thermal coal in the world, which country’s total coal production was over 350 million tons in 2011”改成“Indonesia is currently the largest exporter of thermal coal in the world,withtotal coal production of over 350 million tons in 2011”,句子似乎更紧凑了;再如,“This is also true under conditions such as the anthracite field, where coal seams arehighly pitching”可改成“This is also true under conditions such as the anthracite fieldwithhighly-pitched coal seams”。不难看出,with在这里发挥了非常重要的作用。
★The bulk of the increase is from low cost surface mining operations in coal seams ranging from 15.2 to 30.5m thickwithcomparatively shallow overburden.
★This optimum value is in turn dependent upon the balance between high values of true positives and true negativeswithlow values of false positives and false negatives.
★Variation of elastic modulus and strength with CO2injection time….
★Such units are able to evaluate the variation along a core in the concentration of multiple elements, with detection limits in the ppm range depending on the element concerned.
★The whole purpose was to standardize wet oxidation potential methods with a variety of coals.
★With time, allophane transforms to more ordered clay minerals, but the end products of this transformation are dependent upon temperature, oxidation state, and the chemical composition of the solution.
★In a sample with 1 mol.% of Al replaced by Fe, if Fe is randomly distributed, most Fe atoms should be surrounded by Al atoms and should have no Fe next neighbors.
★Additional experiment, not described here, indicated no systematic change in NFe with sample age up to 2 y.
★The AIC value decreases with better model fit, but increases with complexity of the model.
★Moisture content decreases significantly with depth in some boreholes.
★Both firms fall under the Cheung Kong Group, a leading multi-national conglomerate with operations in more than 50 countries.