
在帮助作者修改英文论文时,笔者有时会发现有些作者不能正确使用respectively(分别地;各自地;各个地) --- 有的将respectively放在句子的最前面,有的搁在句子的中间 --- 例如,有人把“这个水箱的长宽高分别是3米、2米、1米”译成“This water-container’s length, width, height is respectively 3m, 2m, 1m”,而正确的翻译应为“The length, width and height of this water-container are 3m, 2m and 1m, respectively”或者“The length, width and height of this water-container are 3, 2 and 1m, respectively”。

由此可看出,respectively一般是在句子的最后,而且在respectively的前面需要一个逗号“,”。另外,在“respectively”的句子里,一般有两个“and”--- 如果只有两个items,那么两者之间就直接用“and”连接即可;如果是三个或三个以上的items,最后一个item与前面紧邻的 item 之间要用“and”。下面10个例子均来自2014年英美学术期刊,从多个专业领域显示了respectively的实际用法。

Confining stress and injection pressure are 1.0MPa and 0.7MPa, respectively.

★Peak values of movement recorded in BH103, BH104 and BH105 between March and April 2009 were 42, 32 and 90 mm/a, respectively.

★Synthesis of ferric smectites from gels under reducing and oxidizing conditions, were investigated by Decarreau and Bonnin (1986) and Decarreau et al. (1987), respectively.

★Fig. 9 and 10 represent the rockfall trajectories and the distribution of the bounce height and kinetic energy for the each section, respectively.

★The most frequent values are obtained by 500 to 600 kJ, 12 to 15 m/s, 0.2 to 2 m and 45°to 65°, respectively.

★To be on the safe side, the capacity of the impact energy and the height of catchfence based on the group B are chosen to be minimum 600 kJ and 4 m high, respectively.

★Young’s modulus, E and yield stress, σof the steel post is assigned to 210 GPa and 235 MPa, respectively.

★The net barrier and cables shown in Figs. 13 and 14 are made of truss elements given by 8 mm and 16 mm of diameters, respectively.

★The total forces and the total deflection of the net barrier have a tendency to reduce with the higher friction coefficients ranging from 364 kN to 338 kN and from 6.1 m to 5.7 m, respectively.

★The impact height at the net barrier and the impact angle of the boulder are set to be 2.3 m from the ground surface and 37.5°from the horizontal, respectively to make the impact condition consistent with the in situ field test, TSB6.
