


Maryam Kolahdoozanreceived her MSc ofapplied science,specializing inconcrete materials,fromRyerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada.Her areas of research includesustainable alternatives for producing unshrinkable fill and deterioration mechanism of concrete exposed to internal sulfate attack and method for mitigation.


Douglas F. CRICKNERwas born atMcAlpin, a southern West Virginia coal camp, and had his firstexperiencein coal miningat age18 at the McAplin mine where for three successive summers hewas employedon conveyor sections in 34-in. coal to drag pans and supplies, hang canvas, etc. Hegraduated fromVirginia Polytechnic Institutewith a degree inmining engineeringin1941. Following this, heserved withKoppers Coal Co. and The New River Co.asmining engineer and assistant mine foreman. In 1946, hewas employed byhis present company, Pocahontas Land Corp., which hehas served asmine inspector, chief engineer, general manager, andcurrently asvice president. During one four-year period hewas transferred toan associated company, Norfolk & Western Railway Co.,assuperintendent of mines at its Pond Greek Colliers in Pike County, KY. Hehas taken an active part ina number of engineering and coal institutes. Heis a past chairman ofThe Society of Mining Engineers of AIME Coal Division andis currently serving as a director ofSME and vice president-AIME Easter Region.


M. E. HOPKINSreceived his education ingeologyfromthe University of Arkansas,then earned his Ph.D. atthe University of Illinoisin1957. Heserved in the Army Air Corps in1946-47.In1951, hejoinedthe Coal Section of Illinois State Geological Surveyas a part-timeresearch assistant.In1955, hejoined the faculty of the Department ofGeologyatthe University of Tulsa butin1963returned tothe Illinois Survey,becoming head ofthe Coal Sectionin1968 where heserved until1975. Hewas vice president ofHarry Williamson, Inc., Benton, IL, andis now director ofgeology, Peabody Coal Co., St. Louis, MO.


H. L. WASHBURNreceived a BS and MS inmining engineeringfromthe University of Kentucky. His first jobwas withthe Research and Development Division, Consolidation Coal Co. in Pittsburgh, PA, where heworked forthree yearsona variety of projects including the development of pipeline transportation of coal. Hewas transferred toFairmont, WV,asmanager ofpreparation, andsubsequently became chief engineer ofthe Mountainer Division of Consolidation Coal Co. Hisnext assignment wasa three-year periodwithClinchfield Coal Co.as director ofpreparation, whichinvolvedthe actual management of all the plants of Clinchfield. Hewent toNorth American Coal Corp.in1966asassistant vice president andwas later promoted tovice president-engineering and senior vice president-operations,his present position.


Jack A. SIMONfirst worked oncoal geologyforthe Illinois State Geological Surveyasa studentin1937.After serving inthe Army Air CorpsduringWorld War II, hereturned tothe Surveyon a full-time basis. Hewas head ofthe Coal Section, 1953-1967, after which hebecame head ofthe Geological Group and principal geologist.Since1974 hehas been chief ofthe Illinois State Geological Survey.Professional activities have included not onlycoal geologybut, in recent years, environmental problems associated with mining transportation and use of fossil fuels.


Lu Wanghas been a Preceptor inthe Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biologysince2013. Sheis involved inteaching several courses at Harvard including Physical Sciences 10 and 11, and Chemistry 301hf -- a teaching practicum course for chemistry graduate students.Before becoming a Preceptor, sheheld a two-year postdoctoral appointment atMassachusetts Institute of Technology. In addition to her research on two-dimensional nanobiosensors, she alsoparticipated indeveloping and teaching a college chemistry curriculum in the founding year of Singapore University of Technology and Design, which is established in collaboration with MIT. Dr. Wangreceived her Ph.D. inChemistryfromHarvard Universityin2011, where sheworked inProfessor Charles Lieber‘sgroupto develop label-free silicon nanowire field-effect biosensors. Shereceived her B.S. inChemistryfromPeking Universityin2006.


Navin Khaneja(Gordon McKay Professor of Electrical Engineering)is broadly interested in the area ofmathematical control theory, signals and systems. Hiscurrent research lies atthe interface of control and information theory and physics. Heis working ondeveloping geometric techniques for optimal control of quantum mechanical phenomenon.

The work has proven promising foroptimal pulse sequences in high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. These optimal pulse sequences minimize the effects of decoherence and maximize the sensitivity of NMR experiments. Optimal pulse design can lead to significant reduction of time required for structural analysis of proteins. The work also has immediate applications to the areas of quantum information and computing.

Professor Khanejais also very interested in the areas ofrobotics, computer vision, statistical inference and image understanding.His current work in the area ofroboticsinvolvesdesign of feedback controllers for stabilization of nonholonomic control systems with applications to locomotion systems.

His recent work inMedical Imaging and Human Brain Mappingdevelopsrich class of probabilistic models to capture inherent variability present in the anatomies andinvolvesdesign of computationally efficient Bayesian inference algorithms for extracting anatomical information from noisy data collected through various imaging modalities.

(Education: 1.B.Tech., 1994, Electrical Engineering, IIT, Kanpur; 2.M.A./M.S., 1996, Mathematics/Electrical Engineering, Washington University; 3.S.M., 1999, Applied Mathematics, Harvard University; 4.Ph.D., 2000, Applied Mathematics, Harvard University)
