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发布时间:2022年10月21日 阅读量:

为推动国际中文教育发展,不断加深留学生对中国文化的认识与了解,让世界了解中国,了解陕西。陕西省将于近期举办首届国际中文才艺大赛,现将相关事宜通知如下,望同学们积极报名参加!The Shaanxi Province is holding the first international Chinese Language Talents Competition for international students. The competition aims to enhance international student's understanding about China and Chinese culture, and for the world to know more about China and Shaanxi Province.

All international students are encouraged to sign up!


1.初赛:10月31日-11月3日,选手参与“中华传统文化知识考察”环节;Preliminary Contest (SectionOne)Oct 31-Nov 3, contestants participate in an open-book test about Chinese traditional culture via computer/mobile.2.初赛:11月3日-15日,选手参与“中华经典文化故事演绎”环节;Preliminary Contest (SectionTwo)Nov 3-15, contestants present a Chinese classic culture story in the form of recitation/acting/documentary in a 3-minute original video. The video should be in specified format and has no intellectual property issues.


Final Contest, Nov 29, contestants make a 3-minute keynote speech, with the topic "Me and Shaanxi" or "Me and China".


本次比赛根据决赛总成绩从高到低排序确定比赛名次,依次评出一等奖 2 名,二等奖 3 名,三等奖 5 名,其余进入决赛选手为优秀奖。

比赛奖金:一等奖 2000 元,二等奖 1000 元,三等奖 500 元。


There will be two First Prize,three Second Prize, five Third Prize, and the rest will be Excellence Prize. First Prize winners will receive RMB2000, Second RMB1000 and Thrid RMB500.

All participants will receive a certificate from the organizer.

Moreover all participants will get credits for scholarship evaluation.Sign up from Oct 24-28, consult Milo Zhang for more information.
